n English, question words are used to ask for specific information. Here is a list of common question words and what they are used for:
Who: used to ask about the identity of a person
What: used to ask about the identity of a thing or to ask for a general explanation
When: used to ask about the time of an event or action
Where: used to ask about the location of something
Why: used to ask for the reason or purpose of something
How: used to ask about the manner, method, or means of something
Which: used to ask about a choice or selection from a group of things
Here are some examples of how these question words can be used:
Who is coming to the party?
What do you want to eat for dinner?
When is your flight?
Where is the nearest gas station?
Why did you do that?
How did you get here?
Which movie do you want to see?
I hope this helps! If you have any other questions about question words or English grammar in general, please don't hesitate to ask.