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כתיבת שירה כיצד

Writer's picture: מאיר פלגמאיר פלג

מלאכת כתיבת שירה

מלאכת כתיבת שירה כוללת שימוש באמצעים ספרותיים כמו דימויים, מטאפורה וחריזה כדי ליצור תגובה רגשית או אינטלקטואלית ספציפית אצל הקורא. זה כרוך גם בבחירת מילים בקפידה כדי ליצור איכות מוזיקלית בשיר, הנקראת "מטר". לעתים קרובות משוררים מתנסים בצורה, כמו שימוש בפסוקים חופשיים או בצורות מסורתיות כמו סונטות או הייקוס. השימוש בדימויים חזקים ובשפה פיגורטיבית יכול להפוך את השיר למעורר יותר, בעוד שהשימוש במבנה ובצורה יכול לתת לו תחושה של אחדות וקוהרנטיות. גם קולו ונקודת המבט של המשורר חשוב לקחת בחשבון במלאכת כתיבת שירה.

Poetry writing craft

Poetry writing craft involves using literary devices such as imagery, metaphor, and rhyme to create a specific emotional or intellectual response in the reader. It also involves choosing words carefully to create a musical quality in the poem, called "meter." Poets often experiment with form, such as using free verse or traditional forms like sonnets or haikus. The use of strong imagery and figurative language can make a poem more evocative, while the use of structure and form can give it a sense of unity and coherence. The poet's voice and point of view is also important to consider in poetry writing craft.


  • The use of symbolism and imagery can give a poem depth and meaning.

  • The use of metaphor and simile can create comparisons that help the reader understand the poem's message.

  • The use of rhyme and meter can create a musical quality in the poem, making it more pleasurable to read aloud.

  • Poets also use line breaks and white space to create visual interest on the page.

  • Poets often experiment with different forms, such as sonnets, free verse, and haikus, to give their work a sense of structure and unity.

  • The use of figurative language, such as personification and hyperbole, can make a poem more evocative.

  • The poet's voice and point of view are important elements to consider in crafting a poem.

  • The use of imagery and figurative language can make a poem more evocative, while the use of structure and form can give it a sense of unity and coherence.

  • Poetry is often written to express emotions, thoughts and experiences, and can be written in various styles, such as traditional, modern, or experimental.


  • The use of allusion and reference to other works or historical events can add layers of meaning to a poem.

  • Poets also use repetition and variation to create a sense of rhythm and movement in the poem.

  • The use of diction and tone can also affect the emotional impact of a poem and help to convey the poet's message.

  • Poets may also experiment with different perspectives and narrators to add complexity to a poem.

  • The use of imagery and metaphor can also create a sense of mood and atmosphere in a poem.

  • Poetry can also be used to address social and political issues, and can serve as a form of protest or activism.

  • Poets often revise and edit their work multiple times to refine the language, imagery, and overall impact of the poem.

  • Poetry writing craft also involves understanding and utilizing various poetic techniques such as metaphor, simile, imagery, symbolism, and other literary devices.

  • There are different poetry traditions, movements, and forms with different styles and techniques, such as traditional poetry, free verse poetry, spoken word poetry, and slam poetry.


  • Poetry writing craft also involves understanding and experimenting with different poetry forms, such as sonnets, haikus, ghazals, and Villanelles, which have specific rules and structures that can be challenging to work within, but also provide a framework for the poet to create a cohesive and unified work.

  • The use of sound devices, such as assonance, consonance, and onomatopoeia, can add a musical quality to the poem and create a sense of atmosphere or mood.

  • The use of enjambment and caesura can also affect the rhythm and flow of a poem and create a sense of movement or pause.

  • Poetry writing craft also involves understanding and utilizing various poetic techniques such as imagery, symbolism, and other literary devices.

  • Poetry can also be written to explore the human condition and our place in the world, and it can be a powerful tool for self-expression and self-discovery.

  • Poetry writing craft also involves understanding the audience you are writing for, and considering how your poem will be received by them.

  • Additionally, the poet should also be familiar with the literary tradition, by reading and studying the work of other poets, that could help in understanding the craft of poetry and the different poetic techniques.

The distance between an idea and writing a song

The distance between an idea and writing a song can vary depending on the songwriter and the songwriting process. For some songwriters, the idea for a song may come quickly and be fully formed, allowing them to write the song quickly. For others, the idea for a song may take longer to develop and the songwriting process may be more gradual and involve multiple revisions. The songwriting process typically begins with an idea or inspiration, which can come from a variety of sources such as personal experiences, emotions, or current events. The songwriter then develops this idea by creating lyrics, which express the theme or message of the song, and melody, which creates the musical structure of the song. The songwriter may also experiment with different chord progressions and instrumentation to enhance the overall sound of the song. Once the lyrics and melody are complete, the songwriter may refine and revise the song to make sure it effectively conveys the intended message and has a strong structure and flow. This process may involve getting feedback from other songwriters, musicians, or producers. In summary, the distance between an idea and writing a song can vary, but typically involves the development of lyrics and melody, experimentation with different musical elements, and multiple revisions to create a polished final product.

The distance between an idea and writing LIRIC

The distance between an idea and writing lyrics (lyric writing) can also vary depending on the songwriter and the songwriting process. Some songwriters may have a specific idea or inspiration that they immediately turn into lyrics, while others may have a general concept that they develop and refine over time. The lyric writing process typically begins with an idea or inspiration, which can come from personal experiences, emotions, or current events. The songwriter then develops this idea by creating lyrics that express the theme or message of the song. They may experiment with different word choices, phrasing, and imagery to create a powerful and evocative message. Once the lyrics are complete, the songwriter may revise and refine them to make sure they effectively convey the intended message and have a strong structure and flow. This process may involve getting feedback from other songwriters, musicians, or producers. In summary, the distance between an idea and writing lyrics can vary, but typically involves developing the lyrics to express the intended message, experimenting with different word choices, phrasing, and imagery, and multiple revisions to create a polished final product.


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